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How much force can a basketball withstand before it bursts?

18:00 - 24:00 o'clock
ifw Jena – Günter-Köhler-Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung GmbH
ifw Jena
Ernst-Ruska-Ring 3

Footballs are exposed to enormous loads during play. High demands are placed on the material. But how much force can a soccer ball withstand before it bursts?

The materials testing laboratory at ifw Jena mainly tests metallic components and samples. One method of materials testing is the tensile and compression test, in which a material is pulled or compressed until it is destroyed. These tests are important in order to obtain information about the load-bearing capacity of a material or a weld seam. For example, the effects of defects can be investigated or it can be determined whether a material is suitable for certain requirements.

During the Long Night of Science, we place footballs in our tensile machines to test together with you how much pressure a ball can withstand until it bursts. We test a new ball every full hour - you and your children can be there when we determine how strong a soccer really is in a practical pressure test.

Every full hour from 18:00 to 24:00
Ein Fußball wird in der Zug-/Druck-Prüfanlage untersucht
Druckprüfung an Fußbällen
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