The Amazon Tall Tower Observatory is a German-Brazilian research project. Over 200 scientists from all over the world are working together here. They want to find out more about the impact of the world's largest rainforest on our climate. They also want to understand how climate change and increasing deforestation are affecting the rainforest and whether it can continue to supply South America with rainfall in the future. Because the rainforest makes its own rain! And it is the continent's air conditioning system. Huge "flying rivers" transport water in the atmosphere from the Atlantic towards the Andes, further and further south. But without the rainforest, it gets hotter and drier.
Climb the stepper on our tower model and experience how the view of the forest changes with increasing height.
If that's too strenuous for you, you can also experience the rainforest and the research station up close with VR glasses or relax and wander through the fascinating photo exhibition.
Amazon research up close with VR glasses:
Photo exhibition "The breath of the rainforest":