Organizer of the Long Night of Science Jena: JenaKultur. Own enterprise of the city of Jena.
However, the Long Night of Sciences Jena can only succeed thanks to the cooperation of many top-class companies and institutions from Jena. Many thanks to:
Abbe Center of Photonics
Active Fiber Systems GmbH (AFS)
Analytik Jena
Beutenberg-Campus Jena e. V.
German Optical Museum
German Patent and Trademark Office
DLR Institute for Data Science
DLR_School_Lab Jena
Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena (EAH)
Fraunhofer IOF
Friedrich Loeffler Institute
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Göpel electronic GmbH
Günter-Köhler-Institute for Joining Technology and Materials Testing GmbH (ifw)
Implantarium - Joint dental practice
InfectoGnostics Research Campus Jena e. V.
INNOVENT e. V. Technology Development
Jabil Optics
Jena Digital e. V.
Jenoptik AG
Lasos Lasertechnik GmbH
Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT)
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology
Schott AG
Jena City Museum
Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH
Technology and Innovation Park Jena
ThINK - Thuringian Institute for Sustainability and Climate Protection GmbH
Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation (TLUBN)
Trafo Jena - Artistic Facts
University Hospital Jena (UKJ)
Wacker Biotech GmbH
wecare Agency
Jena Business Development Corporation (JenaWirtschaft)
witelo e. V. - scientific and technical places of learning in Jena
Zeiss Planetarium Jena
Carl Zeiss Foundation

Foundation supports Long Night of Science Jena as main sponsor
Founded in 1889 by the scientist and entrepreneur Prof. Dr. Ernst Abbe, the Carl Zeiss Foundation is today one of the largest and oldest science-promoting foundations in Germany. It promotes research and teaching in the STEM sciences with a particular focus on artificial intelligence, resource efficiency and life science technologies. Its funded projects answer questions of scientific, economic and social relevance. She is also passionate about communicating science to society. She feels particularly close to her founding city of Jena.
We are therefore delighted that the Carl Zeiss Foundation is providing special support for the Long Night of Science in Jena 2024. We and the many shining eyes of the happy visitors thank the foundation for this.
More about the Carl Zeiss Foundation

Location expertise for Jena companies
Jena's business development agency, JenaWirtschaft, supports local companies in their own development in Jena. As a central point of contact, the municipal company creates business-friendly conditions through close networking, a lively exchange and competent service. JenaWirtschaft mediates between the various stakeholders and thus helps to ensure that the City of Light Jena remains competitive - just like the companies based here.
JenaWirtschaft was already on board as a supporter of the Long Night of Science Jena in 2022 and will be on board again in 2024, driving visionary developments for Jena.

Network supports knowledge for all
Science, business and the city united in one network - that is JenaVersum. JenaVersum stands for the successful implementation of sustainable goals and ideas to strengthen our attractive location for research, living and working.
Founded in November 2021, the JenaVersum network connects the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the Ernst Abbe University Jena, the University Hospital Jena as well as non-university research institutions and foundations in the natural sciences and life sciences, social sciences and humanities, partners of the city of Jena and research-related companies in the region.
The focus of JenaVersum's work is:
- Making the attractive regional research landscape even better known on an international level and attracting talent to the region.
- Strengthening the exchange on research priorities and initiatives and supporting the coordinated use of existing research infrastructure.
- Promoting dialog between science and society and jointly developing the region.
Would you like to find out more about the network? Then visit the website: